Tuesday, November 10, 2009


The word from Ethen's Occupational Therapist is that today during his OT session, while listening to an "Old MacDonald" cd he said "Quack Quack" - or something close to it!! She wasn't sure, so she played it again, and again he said, "QUACK QUACK"!!

Yes, a HUGE deal! He has also recently started saying "UUUUPPPPPPPPPP" when he see's anything he wants that is not quite in his reach (ie: something on the kitchen counter that's been pushed back so he can't reach it).

So proud! If you don't have a non-verbal child, this might seem like a small thing considering that he's 3.5 years old, but the biggest question in Ethen's development has always been his ability to speak - if he will, when he will, or even if he will, so needless to say, when I got the call today at work that this had happened I was literally in tears, and pretty much have been every time I've thought about it after that.

Here are just a few more pics of the kids over the last 2 weeks or so...


Anonymous said...


That is fantastic that he is starting to try to say things. You have two fantastic boys. As a fellow WPA single mom to two I just wanted to say congratulations.

Suzanne (Mom to two girls from Uralsk - 2005 and 2007)

Jennifer said...

WONDERFUL news! I would have tears in my eyes too at work to get news of something like that.

Unknown said...

That is fantastic!

My son was non verbal for so long and when he said his first few words I was always so full of joy. Now at nearly 4 he is finally starting to string together 3 or 4 word sentences and I am so proud of him.

You're right in that most people probably won't understand your excitement, but I know how huge this is for your little guy. Hurray for him!