It seems to have gone on forever ;-)...
We spent the 4th of July in Ohio visiting family...
O-H-I-O is a long way from Georgia!!
Visiting Great Grandma & Grandpa Cook
Jackson has been taking swimming lessons all summer and will continue through the Fall. He also began karate lessons a few weeks ago (which he LOVES). AND on August 11th, he started Pre-K! That's real school folks! Here in Georgia all 4 year olds are able to attend Pre-K for 5 days a week (6 hours a day) compliments of the great GA Lottery -- it's awesome, and he loves it as well!
The Karate Kid :-) 1st day of Pre-K
Ethen has been doing better over the last month or so, but is on a new "temporary" drug (Dilantin) which we hope will get him through to September 22 seizure free. On that date, he will be admitted at Childrens Healthcare at Scottish Rite for something called a VEEG (extended EEG with video monitoring) which will give us a much more thorough picture of his seizure activity, and if we're very lucky, may qualify him as a surgical candidate. Sounds scary -- but it's good -- trust me.
Nope - that's n0t medication, it's a green soap crayon-- he's clearly well enough to get into trouble!
We went up to visit the Keiffer's over Labor Day - always a good time! I went to take a shower, and when I came out, LeAnne had dressed all of the boys up as fairies (literally) -- FABULOUS!!
One of the fairies.... Ethen refused to be a fairy-- he wanted to be a warior
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